Digital Ocean App Platform Using in a Static Website

If your cloud-based website is hosted with DigitalOcean or Google Cloud Hosting Platform, Jachoo's managed IT services can take care of all your hosting requirements.

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Building, testing, managing, and scaling any size application has never been easier.

Both DigitalOcean and Google Cloud Platforms provide comprehensive online documentation, huge, active user networks, and a very basic, free level of assistance for all users. At Jachoos, we offer all the knowledge and skills necessary for you to create your business applications using cloud web hosting, Google Cloud Hosting, and application hosting.
Before starting, make sure you have the website files for a static website and that it is up and running locally.. Here are the procedures for using the Digital Ocean App Platform to launch a static website to the cloud.

1. Opening a GitHub account to launch a static website

To create a GitHub repository, create an account on GitHub if you don't already have one. Visit GitHub's home page and register to create a free account.

2. Install the GitHub Desktop App.

Start by downloading the GitHub Desktop application by following the directions on the GitHub Desktop homepage. Once the application file has been opened, follow the installation instructions to finish the procedure.

3. Establish your website project's GitHub repository.

Using the GitHub Desktop program, we will now set up a local repository on the computer for the website project. Open the GitHub Desktop app first for that. Next, select the blue "Sign in to" button.
Now follow the instructions to connect your GitHub account to the GitHub Desktop software. Once the Desktop app is connected to your account, a popup window with launch options ought to appear. You should click the "Create a New Repository on Your Hard Drive" button.
Once that happens, a prompt will appear where you must enter the information for your new repository. Maintain the current Local Path that was generated automatically. Your project will be saved in this location on your local computer by GitHub Desktop.
You can pick a template for ignoring specific files by using the "Git Ignore" option. You can choose an open-source license for your work by selecting it from the "License" menu. If you're unsure of what to choose, you can leave it at "none," though. After providing the information, select "Create Repository." The Desktop app will now display the specifics of the just-created repository.

4. GitHub repository files should be copied.

We will now copy the website files into the GitHub repository folder that was just created. Open the folder containing the files and folders for the website project on your desktop first. Then, locate and open the folder for the newly formed repository that you designated in Step 3. The repository folder has been configured to "my-static-site" in this instance.
Copy the files to your repository folder now from your working folder. The GitHub Desktop app should show the files in the "Changes" panel on the left side of the program window after you've copied and pasted them into your repository folder.
You are prepared to save your changes to the repository once the folders have been added to the local repository folder. Commits are the term used on GitHub for saved changes. Making a note that will describe your changes is required each time you commit changes. To save your changes, enter a comment in the "Summary (mandatory)" field and any additional information in the "Description" field in the Desktop app's bottom left corner.
After that, click the "Commit to master" button located underneath the text fields to save the changes to the project's "main" branch. Your files in the left-hand panel will vanish once the changes are committed to the main branch because this panel only shows files with uncommitted changes.

5. Uploading files to GitHub after commits

You made the changes to the repository on the local machine in the previous step. But your Github account has not yet received a push for this repository. Now that this change has been made, we'll push it to your GitHub repository, adding the files from your website there.
To push the local repository to your GitHub repository, click the blue "Publish repository" button. A modal window will show up after clicking and asking for some information. Complete these with the name and details of your repository. Click the "Publish repository" button after entering your information. Your repository ought to be accessible on your GitHub account once the uploading procedure is finished.

6. Create Your DigitalOcean Account

You must go to the DigitalOcean sign-up website and select the necessary choices to create an account. You ought to be able to access the App Platform following account verification.

7. Deploy Your Static Website with the DigitalOcean App Platform

Launch your app by first going to the DigitalOcean App Platform site and clicking that button. A request to choose your GitHub repository then appears. You must select the "Link Your GitHub Account" option since you have still not linked your GitHub account to the App Platform account.
A window asking you to log into your GitHub account then appears. Make your choice for the account you want to link to the App Platform. You can choose which repositories to grant the App Platform access to on the next screen. Select the repository you pushed to your GitHub account in Step 5 by clicking the "Only select repositories" button, and then click "Save."
You'll be brought back to the App Platform at this point, where you can choose your repository from the dropdown menu. After choosing the repository, click "Next." The name, branch, and parameters for Autodeploy can then be selected using the prompt that follows. Every change you make to the repository files in the future will be instantly uploaded to your live site if the Autodeploy option is checked.
Next, the page for configuring the app displays. This page should recognize your component type as "Static Site" automatically. This page no longer requires any edits from you. To select "Next," scroll down and click. If you choose to launch this site as one of your free three static sites, a window with the "Starter" plan selection options displays.
To launch your starter app, select the desired plan and click the button. You'll be taken to the admin page for your app. You will receive the "Deployed Successfully!" notice once your app has been successfully deployed.
Additionally, you may check the functionality of your website by clicking the link located beneath the name of your app at the top of the page. Finally, you should use the App Platform to publish your website on the internet.


For more help contact the jachoos team for complete assistance. No matter if your cloud-based website is hosted with DigitalOcean or Google Cloud Platform, Jachoo's managed IT services can take care of all your hosting requirements.
At Jachoos, we offer all the knowledge and skills necessary for you to create your business applications using cloud web hosting, Google Cloud Hosting, and application hosting. We advise choosing a subscription through Jachoos if you want to use one of these platforms but want to lessen tech-related problems.

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